Sunday, March 18, 2012

I'm Jealous

by Jewel 

There is a pretty girl 
on the 
of the magazine 
all I see 
are my dirty 
turning the page 

I'm so jealous of really short poems like this. They say so much by saying so little. One-liners have a place in my heart. It's all about the simplicity of it. And it's so much more powerful because it's all by itself.

by Jewel 

I wrote those nice 
poems only because 
the honest ones 
would frighten you 

It's just really good, isn't it? I love it because you can interpret it any way you want. It's specific and vague at the same time.


  1. These are two of my favorite poems in the bracket. And my B2 class yesterday voted for Slick Rick's Children's Story over Jewel's Pretty. Are you kidding me? These people have no taste.

    P.S. is so good that I had to put it up on the wall in my classroom.

  2. I have to agree with you, these poems are quite amazing just because of how much they say in so few words. Good choice, I like your taste

  3. Love both those poems. They are so good.
