Sunday, March 4, 2012


I wish my bones weren't so smart. Why do they have to be right every time?

They whispered the other day to let go. I'll DIE before I let go. Nothing my bones will ever say can convince me to let go. I'm holding on even if it drives me to insanity. I don't have the heart to let go.

My bones strangle me. They're stubborn. I'm stubborn.

They tell me it'll be better once I let go, but what if I don't want things to be better?
What if I'd rather wallow in self pity? But my bones don't get that.
They think they know me, but how can they when I don't even know myself?


  1. great post. I really enjoyed how you said "My bones strangle me. They're stubborn. I'm stubborn." your bones are you but sometimes you wish they were not. (sorry if that does not make sense but hope you get what I am trying to say...)

  2. "I wish my bones weren't so smart." Hmmm. I can relate.
    Great post!
